Sunny Pampas - Confectionery

Confectionary Sunflower

Description: Typical natural smell, free from rancid
odors, and free from foreign matters. Grey color with
white rays depending on the hybrid.

Size: 16/64 -18/64 – 20/64 – 22/64 – 24/64.

Moisture: Maximum 10 %.

Packing: Multiwall kraft paper bags of 20 kg
and 50 pounds.

Approximately 22 Mton.

Keep in a dry and cool place, preferably below 18°C. Storage facilities must be fumigated, controlled and ventilated and must be free from insects and from products which cause contamination. Validity of the product 24 months from packing date if properly stored.

Argentina is one of the main world producers of both confectionary and oil sunflowerseed, due to its ideal combination of soils and climate, which allow to harvest important crops not only in terms of volume but in quality as well.

The confectionary sunflower, in contrast with the industrial one, is used for direct human consumption. It is used as a snack or in bakery, restaurants, etc.

It is traded with its shell untouched called inshell or dehulled (kernel).

The confectionary sunflower grain is easily recognized for its great size and it whitish black color with its stripes alongside, which differentiates it clearly from the industrial sunflower grain which is totally black and smaller in size. Its fat content is much lower than the oil one, but not for this is not a healthy and nutritious food, rich in nutrients and vitamins, recommended for a healthy diet.

The grain is classified according to the size of its diameter (the bigger the best). The existing options are the following, expressed as a fraction of one inch (25,4 mm) and its equivalent in milimetres.

1) 24/64 > 9,54 mm.

2) 22/64 > 8,73 mm.

3) 20/64 > 7,94 mm.

4) 18/64 > 7 mm.

5) 16/64 > 6,35 mm.


The three bigger sizes are destined mainly to the export market for human consumption, and the two smaller sizes, are mainly consumed in the domestic market and less in the export market as inshell (its being exported mainly as kernel), but there is also as well an important demand for birdfood for these sizes, either inshell or as kernel.